Barkly Square room hire options:
We have a number of spaces available for day or short time hire.
Recently renovated, our spaces are contemporary and practical for a variety of groups and businesses.
We aim for a atmosphere which enables community engagement and collectiveness.
Our room hire options are adaptable and flexible to your needs.
Rooms available to hire
21 person conference room (with tea & coffee facilities)
Training rooms
Lecture theatre
Meeting rooms
Short term office space
Commercial Kitchen
Barkly Square amenities:
Free Wifi
Communal meeting spaces
Large shared tables
Book sharing facilities
Spacious Court yard
Heritage gardens
6 Conveniently located bathrooms
For more information or to book a room please call 5333 8600 or send a email to [email protected]
We have a number of spaces available for day or short time hire.
Recently renovated, our spaces are contemporary and practical for a variety of groups and businesses.
We aim for a atmosphere which enables community engagement and collectiveness.
Our room hire options are adaptable and flexible to your needs.
Rooms available to hire
21 person conference room (with tea & coffee facilities)
Training rooms
Lecture theatre
Meeting rooms
Short term office space
Commercial Kitchen
Barkly Square amenities:
Free Wifi
Communal meeting spaces
Large shared tables
Book sharing facilities
Spacious Court yard
Heritage gardens
6 Conveniently located bathrooms
For more information or to book a room please call 5333 8600 or send a email to [email protected]